Strega had not wandered far before she came to a doorway. However, there was no door only a thin curtain of light blue silk. Strega touched it and the curtain parted.
Behind it, she saw an immense room all painted and decorated with shades of blues and whites. As she stared at the aqua walls, frost painting appeared forming crystalline shapes. The floor looked as if it were made f thick ice but below her, through the cold glass she saw violet fish swimming about. Slowly she made her way across the strange room, past a dolphin fountain and through a fine spray of mist.
On the other side she spied a torch hanging from a wall. Near to it, another veil, this one made of woven green reeds. It too parted and she stepped through.
This room enclosed a garden. Tall trees with thin trunks and spiky leaves towered above. Yellow birds, their feathers glowing like the sun, flew through the air. The floor was carpeted with moss which sprung back after each soft step. In the ceiling, a small moon-shaped window was set and soft starlight filtered through. Where the crest of the moon fell, she found a third curtain, made of crystal and diamond beads. She peered through it, and saw herself staring back!

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