There once was, in a place where witches were only as good or bad as any other people, a young witch called La Strega. She lived not far from the Palace of the Duljas where young Prince C’zippa resided. Strega and C’zippa were in love but had yet to announce their marriage to the Prince’s family. Strega had no family and lived alone atop a cloud-high tower.
Once night, a blue moon night when magic coursed through the air, Strega was getting ready to go to the Royal Ball. Hurrying about the small tower room she glanced at her clock and, seeing she was already late, grabbed her fine golden cloak and scurried to her closet.
Strega’s closet was not a normal one. Being that she could use magic, she had cast the closet to be a portal between her room and Prince C’zippa’s palace. Nearing the door, she grasped the handle and threw it open.
A gust of warm sweet air hit her as she stepped lightly out of her room. Strega snapped her fingers and glitter-winged weave worms materialized in the air about her. They quickly gathered around her and knitted her a iridescent dress of mist and fine embroidered slippers. A white dove flew past, it’s wings barely touching her cheeks to apply a slight glow. She smiled as she made her way to a spiraling waterfall. Like a curtain of beads she stepped through the water, letting some of the drops gather around her dark silken hair in a wreath of pearls.

Spotting young C’zippa, she went to him and, grasping his thin white hand, led him directly into a dance.
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