Thursday, January 11, 2007

Two internet searches I did while writing today: WWII and Childhood Development.

I don't think I can write this story set in the 40s. There was just too much going on. Reading the article made me think 1. Boy I didn't learn much about this in school and 2. Man, the reason we're living in the world we are living in now is mostly due to stuff that happened during that war.

I want to see Pan's Labyrinth.

Sidenote: woke up at 5 a.m. completely alert. Just now getting warm. I read some of the lame-ass Organic magazine I get, and two articles were about strange pains caused by stress. One was quite interesting about some 5000 year old healing program from India that made me crave oatmeal (which I am eating now, embellished with blackberries I froze last summer) and the other one had "tips" like, "When you are angry or overwhelmed, say to yourself, 'I am breathing through my nose.'"

Okay, so I'm a new-age weirdo and all, but that sounds hilarious to me. In fact, the article itself started to make me feel angry since at that moment, in the dead of the freezing cold winter morning, my nose was so stuffed up, I couldn't breath through it!

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