Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Enough of this chitter chatter. Back to work!

I did a bit of editing at the beginning of December, then forced myself to stop and gave myself the luxury of writing a fun little romantic piece of Christmas fluff. I returned from vacation on Jan. 2 and edited about five pages that first week, mostly at night and on the weekend. This is the first morning I have forced my grumpy self to get up instead of hitting the snooze for that "awe gee Mom, just one more minute!" hedonistic pleasure of staying in bed.

It helps that there is another writer in the house who not only has forced me to have something ready to discuss on Sundays, but who also may be substitute teaching soon and therefore I will not be the only one needing to jump in the shower at around 7 a.m. each morning. Therefore, I need to get up earlier, get my s**t done, and plop myself down in front of this computer if I am expecting any amount of roommatial bliss.

...or if I'm ever expecting to get this novel done, for that matter.

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