Friday, December 01, 2006
"She toot to her room directly "
instead of
"She took to her room directly"
Ug. This was written in the heat of things last night. I'll leave you to figure this one out...
"Finallu, she found herself colose enought to examine the strangenes of the palace walls with a sort of wonder usaully reseved for her favorte storeis."
Then, suddenly I could speak Celtic!
"It slowly mekted fromteh outside in."
instead of
"It slowly melted from the outside in."
BTW, I invented the words tehy and teh. My brain just can't fire synopses fast enough to get "they" and "the" to spell correctly. I also misspelled "of" a number of times as "ove" or "fo."
And I promised an excerpt so here you go (remember, these are freshly-borne and subject, in fact, expected to change):
"I see you!" Emma crowed, and leaped after Nick, who laughed again and ran. She was amazed at his speed, and by the way he effortlessly darted behind trees that hid him in such a way that she missed his twists and turns when he scampered off and angled in another direction. And at first, it was almost a splendid game of tag. But the she felt the trees closing in on her again, and she remembered the bird man and the melting horse and the almost- glimpsed fairy and she stopped in her tracks. And she did something she rarely did. She started to bawl.
She just stood there for a moment, totally enveloped by a feeling of madness. "I must be crazy. I must be running around in the woods like a moron. I'll bet no one else can see Nick but me."
The boy in question swung upside-down from a tree just then, his arms crossed over his chest and his cape hanging almost to the ground. He suspended himself next to Emma, and in a concerned tone asked, "Hey, what's the matter?"
She sniffed and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "Don't ask stupid questions." She said, hiccoughing a little and trying to compose herself.
"I'm sorry. Don't cry. Look," he uncrossed his hands and swung back and forth, monkey- like. "Emma, come on. Look!" She turned and looked at him as he made a goofy face.
My hallucinations are trying to cheer me up. She thought, then saw something shiny slip from one of Nick;s many pockets. "Whoops, " he said, and executed a perfect backwards somersault out of the tree, a move Emma completely missed as she bent to pick up the thing form the forest floor."
I just like the idea of her hallucinations trying to cheer her, and the fact that she totally missed Nick's acrobatics.
You've Won!
Dear Novelist,
You did it.
Despite everything else going on in your busy life, you managed to pull off the creative coup of writing a 50,000-word novel in just one month.
When the going got tough, you got typing, and in four weeks, you built vast worlds and set them in motion. You created characters; quirky, interesting, passionate souls with lives and loves and ambitions as great as yours. You stuck it out through the notoriously difficult middle stretch, and pressed onward as 80% of your fellow writers dropped out around you.
And now look at you: A NaNoWriMo winner. And the owner of a brand-new, potential-filled manuscript. It's an amazing accomplishment, and we're proud to have had you writing with us this year.
Now we leave you to head off to your celebration (or nap, as the case may be).
Easy Peasy... man, I'm icing my wrists tonight.
Two hours and counting. Promise at least a few writing samples when this is all over (along with a few of my favorite typos -- "She had her hair tied back in a sort of flippy poop thing with a stick jabbed through the middle to secure it, but mighty tendrils still escaped and bounced annoyingly in her eyes." instead of "...flippy loop thing" )
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I am still retyping my hard copy stuff to soft, so should have word count soon. Looking forward to writing tonight and tomorrow and getting my 50,000 words. I hope.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sunday - Back on line.
I really don't even think I ate that much for Thanksgiving, but man, my metabolism must have shifted because I have averaged about one meal a day plus snacks since Thursday night.
I thought about the story constantly through Tgiving vacation. Which was haunting but good, since I came up with some more answers that will shepard my story along. I realize that I never had that huge a handle on my world (it's, y'know, faerie. Where the fairies live...right?) And I don't have much time while writing 2000 words of story each day to world build (not that I didn't fudge and stick in some character specs and count them as actual words.) Anyway, soon it will all be over and I can start to actual work on the story and plot and so on and so forth.
Will upload word count after I transfer handwritten stuff.*** UPDATE ***
Word count = 39,570
Curses! Why couldn't I break the 40K mark??? (and why is "K" the abbreviation for "thousand" when the Roman numeral is "M"? Stupid.)
Written offline - Saturday 11/25/2006
How in the world to people write offline on notebook paper and then enter the words into the computer? Is it better on your eyes to work on paper and then spend a smaller amount of time putting stuff into the computer file?
Outlined some yesterday. Still haven't got it all figured out. In the mean time I have listened to the books on tape "The Goose Girl," "The Tale of Desperaux," "Shadow Spinner," and "Ella Enchanted." It really does help to keep reading to find stuff out about writing. And books on tape are about the only way I can fit it into my schedule.
Written offline - Friday 11/24/2006
Still full from last night. Ug.
Getting into the nitty gritty and things are getting as hard to pin down as whipped cream. Emma's just barreling along, tripping over characters here and there. I want to do some outlining to day if I can.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
35, 114!!
Oh man, though, what a mess my manuscript is. I use an ergonomic keyboard at work (the kind that's folded in the middle), I have a full-sized wireless keyboard at home, and then I have my laptop keyboard. Between making my hands dance over all those different layouts, I'm lucky if every third word comes out to be what I want it to. And that is not even taking into account the fact that I am the world's worst speller. No one will steal my story, cuz it's written in code!
imediantly = immediately (spelling)
scracht = scratch (fast typing mistake)
wouldn = sound (???)
hight = height
knwo = know
vaugly = vaguely
impliments = implements
Porage, grule? = Porridge, gruel (ha!)
Oh my god, and so many more (those were just from a few paragraphs I wrote today.)
Those of you who can spell, are you cringing right now???
"I don't know," the gypsy boy shrugged. "What is Earthin like?"
"It's horrible," Emma heard the words slip from her lips before she even had a chance to think about them. It was her stock response whenever anyone ever asked her about her life.
"Why? What's so bad about it?"
"I have to go to school every day with people I hate to learn things I don't care about," she started.
"Me too," Nick said.
"I live out in the middle of nowhere and my mother never lets me have any fun or go to town or spend any money."
"Mine too."
"Where are we going?" Emma grumbled, changing the subject.
- Title: "The Dream Thief"
- Genre: Fantasy
- Theme: Have courage in the face of failure (coming-of-age adventure)
- # of times main character has tried to flee reality for faerie: 3
- # of times it actually worked: 0
- How the MC finally gets there: on the back of a shape changing dog
- # of royal families slaughtered: 3/4ths
- # of demons as secondary characters: 1
- # of angsty princes: 1
- # of sibling relationships that have a lot to do with the plot: at last count, 3
- # of forests in the dream kingdom of Ambrosia: 3
- # of bottomless impasses on the way to the dark magic reside of the Unknown: 1 (but isn't one enough?)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I really was not happy with my efforts yesterday, so I drove to work without turning on the radio and let the alpah-waves lap away at my brain. When I arrived, I was inspired to write 1,257 words on what the moon pearl does, why Ambrosia is ruled by a prince (not a king) where the horrible, disgusting Sithwith, the demon cartographer and scribe who is chained to his library desk in the dungeon of the palace, came from.
Oh, it all fit together. I am so happy!
(edit) Total by end of day = 33,720
Monday, November 20, 2006
Like pulling teeth. There is no way the full story will be done at the end of November, or in 50,000 but I will have 50,000 words at the end of November. Get that? The little things really slow you down - should Emma rescue Nick? Should Nick rescue Emma? I mean both versions have their merits, but when faced with a simple question like that, I hunch my shoulders and stare stupidly at the screen. Duh. I dunno.
Why has my antagonist not appeared yet? Well, everyone antagonizes Emma - I mean the villain. I think I like him so much I'm afraid to start writing about him, for fear that he'll turn out to be an uncharismatic wet blanket. Which is exactly the opposite of what he is in my head... hm. Maybe tomorrow.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Ow, my wrist.
As I stated in my last entry, I found two old "dot-matrix" printed copies of "false starts" of this story. One was called "Searer of Souls" and had Emma as a goathearder's daughter who had been summoned by the prince to the palace. She had a magic-born guardian named Alassi that looked like a big walking armadillo with a beak. I am sorry to see that there is no need of him in the story - he's what shut that first try down after about 8,000 words. I didn't know where he came from or where he'd go once she reached the palace. Too bad, so sad. He worked really well in the scene he was in.
The other version also didn't work, for various reasons. In it, goathearding Emma had a brother, and it was known that she was found as a baby at the edge of the Visionary Forest (i.e. she was originally from Earth). After she and brother are attacked, a dreamkin comes to their rescue, but is reall y there to collect Emma and take her to the prince. Some scenes worked really well and I think I'll incorporate them into this version, but I didn't like the character of the prince, or Iandrew, the dreamkin (for a while I couldn't decide if he was young and stupid, old and severe, if he was a page, a soldier, or what). The dreamkins in general have always given me problems. Imagine ninjas that can change into dogs, horses and birds. Who controls them? How are they trained? Who do they serve and why? It's coming together in this version, but I still have a lot to work on.
...and damn, it's past midnight again. Oh well.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Ga! Why can't I ever get these things posted in time???
I am lacing bits of my story together, so it is harder to do the "3 pages or 2000 words" goal. Mainly because that means I have to do math :-P
I dug out some old versions of my story, parts of which I want to use in this version. They are on that old perforated printer paper with the holes on the side! I don't even have them electronically anymore (perhaps on floppy disk somewheres). And more than I ever thought is hand written. I gotta make some backup copies just to have on hand, but some of the ink is so light, I don't even know if it will photocopy - certainly not well.
This story has waited a long time to see the light of day. I hope I can do it some justice.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Setting up Christmas and Thanksgiving vacation plans, staying in touch with friends and family, budgeting, preparing for my volunteer meeting on Saturday, reading, visiting the post office, the library, listening to books on tape, sleeping, eating, cooking, cleaning, watching t.v., playing on line. Hell, why is there so much to do?
She's in Ambrosia (the "fantasy world")
Now what?
I know that I can "remember" all the rules if I try hard enough (I wrote them for godsake - or will write them...) : Who are the dreamkins? How does the "real world" effect and be effected by Ambrosia? How is Ambrosia showing signs of being sapped of magic? I think I know all this stuff. I know I know it (somewhere.)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I actually feel pretty good today. Knock on wood.
Still frustrated with the starting and stopping nature of this story. I see through the inky mess the outline of some semblance of story.
Emma has tried three times to flee the real world for faerie. Now, at age fifteen, the last thing she ever expects is for the "fourth time to be the charm." But that is exactly what happens, and like it or not, she is whisked away by a magical beast to the dream kingdom of Ambrosia. Will she accept the task given to her by the prince to find the thief who is stealing the lifeblood of the land? Does she really have a choice?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I FORCED myself to write 2000 words, but it was excruciating. Not only did I totally sleep like a zombie through my morning writing hours, but I had to do some shopping at night, then ate some soup I'd let sit out all day (was supposed to have been my lunch) and watched Battlestar with some friends. Finally made it to the sanctuary of my room where I pounded out yet another sloppy day of junk.
I look back over what I've written (bad bad bad) and am like, this stupid story starts three times, and I'm still doing what I do all the time, which is jump around to scenes I like to write about without any real conscience regard for what that scene has to do with the rest of the story! It's annoying (like the scene I quoted below -- I like it, I had fun writing it, but what does it have to do with the story?) Gah.
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Twenty-thousand mark!
(I apologize to those of you who can't see the little dancing gif.)
I am liking a lot of what I have written, which is surprising to me. I am especially surprised that one of the characters I have no real attachment to was just in an interesting / funny scene that really worked for me. Go figure. Work forever on Miss Main Character and still don't feel that comfortable with her, and type for a few hours about Joe Shmo Dreamkin and have a fantastic result.
I've held off posting any clips thus far, but here is a taste of what I've been working on:
“Greetings Kin,” Kane said, leaning on the bar. His black eyes sparkled, and Ian knew it was because the bets always rose when a Kin came to fight. “Your health well today?”
“All the better now that I’m here.” He took a large swig from his mug. The cider was sharp and strong. “What’s the outlook?”
“Mmm,” Kane rubbed his bristly chin. “Word has it that a shipload of sailors is coming this way. Should be some easy battles against sea-legged southerners.” He smiled a gummy grin at Ian, who drained the mug and set it down.
“Nothing harder than that? I’m disappointed in you. When are we going to have a bear like that Nrrokian in here again?”
The Nrrokian was a long-running joke between the men. One of Ian’s first battles had been against a huge, nasty brute that smelled of skunk and fought like a wild animal. When Ian finally felt he had prevailed, it turned out that the Nrrokian had just fallen into a drunken daze and was up again after a brief nap. Only during round two, when his opponent’s shirt was accidentally torn off did Ian realize he was fighting a female.
Kane gurgled a laugh. “No Nrrokians.”
Hey everybody! I went to the Doctor! I'm fine! But I still feel like crap. And actually, I am waiting on some more tests, but truth be told, I think I'm just stressed (about a lot of things besides finishing my novel in a month. I just didn't realize it), and I've been spending too much time in front of the computer screen (I have heard that laptop displays don't have the kind of radiation coming off of them that other monitors do, but I'm sure it's still not good for you.) Anywho -
Word count thus far: 16,252
My last entry was so short, and my word count hadn't increased that much. Just FYI, I added a prolog and decided that 20,000 words should take place in the real world, 20,000 in the fantasy world, and then, I dunno, 10,000 in some sort of combination / resolution 3rd act thingy. I need to go back to my theater notebooks and look up that structure again. Today I fudged and started writing in the fantasy world, even tho my main character isn't there yet. I'm sheepishly skipping ahead with the *** more stuff happens here *** filler line.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Skipped my first full day of writing yesterday.
Why? I had a restless night on Tuesday and awoke too late to be of any use. Then, after work, I talked on the phone for a time, waited for the landlady to come by (she didn't and so I had to call and reschedule), and I walked to the store to pick up milk and sympathy cards. In other words, mundane life intervened.
Word count = 12,053
I read something over again and cannot remember writing it. "A horse as black as an ancient shadow." I don't know if it's any good. But it's kind of spooky not to remember coming up with it.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Today I could not get out of bed. I feel the rain that is forever showering down on this land to be washing the nutrients of everything away and churning up dead dirt and dying leaves. It is not nice (although I like it when it gets too dark to see.)
Word count 10,600 (broke 10,000 - yaah!)
One week has gone by. Although I am behind (should be at 14,000 words I guess,) I have 17 pages and I would say a good idea of where the story is going. I also got a chance to start constructing a "pitch," distilling the ideas down to one or two sentences and then expanding on them if someone seems interested.
Ergonomically, though, I'm a wreck.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
First Monday. I feel it. I think I pinched a nerve. I don't feel well.
I can't believe I haven't cracked 10,000. This morning I didn't start where I left off, but at the beginning again and added two or so pages that way. Then I wrote at night as well until my laptop battery gave out. I am trying to find out how much of a story I want / need before the journey to the "other world" begins. And yes, I have been sorta patterning my plot against Joseph Campbell's archetypes.
My arm hurts.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Back at home now. A greasy rain is falling outside, and I hear it is to continue for many months. The inside is not all that inviting either.
Word count to date = 8,009
Another day of pattering down many many words that lead in circles. Today I questioned the time in which I start my story. I had for the most part assumed it would start in the near-modern times and that the fantasy world that my character journeys to would be rather medieval. I have gone back and forth with questions about how women are perceived in my fantasy world, and I many times imagine my main character in a dress. Well, no girl in modern times wears dresses. So today I toyed with the idea of having her start from the 1940 or so, a very female-centric time to be living it (many men off to war). This would also set up the feelings of war within her and ready her to accept them when she entertains the problems in the fantasy world. Huh. I need to go to an antique shop and pick up a 1940s yearbook...
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I did an anagram of my name to pass the time. I came up with "Has a trash bar," or "Shat a bra rash." Ha. I like the first one..
11/03/2006 (written offline to be uploaded latter)
Today is the day after my birthday. Slight headache from staying up too late reading Eragon in bad light.
Total word count 3,933.
I would like to get it over 4000 today, or write another three pages if I have the time. The problem is, I am away from home and typing on an unfamiliar keyboard and so the words aren't coming as easily or as comfortably. I wrote a whole lot more garbage today, regressed my main character back to age 15 and burned down a school. Don't you love it when your story runs away from you?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
2500+ words total now.
Most of what I wrote today was important, but will most likely be trashed. I was struggling with the age of my main character. Nine is too young, I am sick of stories about 13 year olds, and 17 seems too old... I realized that the reason most stories are written with protags at puberty is because at that time, besides being totally messed up by hormones, people haven't been given the rights to make their own choices yet. By age 16 or 17, they have pretty much made up their minds (even if they don't realize it) about what they want to do and what they believe in. So I ended up going with the older age. Plus I want her to have a romance, and 13-year-olds getting it on is just icky.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Greetings! This is a journal of my efforts and my life during National Novel Writer's Month. Yay. One month, 30 days (why did they pick such a short month?), 50,000 words (which, I hear, isn’t even that long a novel).
Day one.
1400 word.
So far so good.
Once upon a time, my auntie Jean gave me "Arrows of the Queen" by Mercedes Lackey for my 13th birthday. I devoured that book, and the others in the Valdemar series. I didn't like all of them (and actually now, I’m not very interested in rereading them!) but they all held my attention in one way or another, and in such a fashion that I longed to write a story (or trilogy) of my own. At that time, I started forming scenes in my mind, and by age 17, I had started laying down characters and stories and trying to tie it all together.
My plot is a tenuous thread made of old, fragile material that stretches and twists and tangles in the wind. It has snapped a few times, and I have worked to knit it back together or tie it to other threads branching out in many different directions. It is my hope that, by the end of this month, it shall be a hearty rope, binding my ideas in one cohesive story.
A worthy and noble thing to work for. We’ll see if I can do it…
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
My cabin was 7x7 foot square.
The whole idea was to lock us in, deliver food to us when necessary along with a basin of water every day for general clean up. We were allowed to leave for a one-hour walk down to the shore. We would set our dirty dishes outside the curtains of our front door when we were done with them. Oh, there was a rug on the floor for sleeping. And we were allowed one suitcase (or cardboard box in my case) with reference books in our native language.
I had brought my laptop, a small cheep, outdated thing that had been a backhanded love token. It wasn’t really mine, but it was acquired with me in mind, not so much with thoughts of my well being, but with the idea that a mollified girlfriend makes a happy boyfriend. Funny, we use to not think of each other in those terms. Where we were sweethearts…
Yes, well, the laptop. They wanted to take it, “they” being two large piles of tannish flesh with beady eyes, huge biceps and laser guns at their belts. They said that I was to write longhand. “I work better on the computer,” I countered, “I need to create with both hands.” Then they were going to wipe the computer of everything but the very barest of word processing programs. That one was a little tougher to counter. “I have research and a dictionary and a thesaurus on there. Please, take any other programs you need off it, but I need the dictionary.” They agreed, but said I had to leave my little cardboard box of stuff behind then. Since the dictionary feature was built into my favorite word processor, I agreed. I could come and get it later anyway.
When I stepped into the cabin, I realized I had a problem. There was no electricity, no place to plug in the laptop. It had a battery but it had a finite amount of power, say three hours or so. My escorts started laughing uproariously at my plight and broke a few pencils in half before they left. I tried my best to look crestfallen.
Of course when the curtains fell shut behind them, I immediately set to work. My eyes unfocused – actually, they were focused on something passed the point in the air before me. I saw the drawstring with the back reflection of my eye and reached out. My hands disappeared into space for a second as I turned that small bit of air inside out to reveal the bottomless backpack. It appeared to be made of brown canvas but there were no stitches visible on its pockets, straps or body. It was a medium sized pack, just right to contain a black hole.
I opened it up and started taking out my things. Books including the Dakotah Sioux Indian Dictionary by Paul War Cloud, The New Goat Handbook by Ulrich Jaudas, Byron’s selected poems, and Michael Ende’s Never-ending Story (which, though it is only 377 pages long, goes on forever starting on page 27). Pictures by Van Gogh, a diagram of the Amistad, photos by my sister and movie stills of Wayne’s World and My Neighbor Totoro. It began to thunder outside as I brought in files and stamps and Buddhist statues and a telephone table, Christmas lights and the United States flag. Other comforting memorabilia added to the coziness of the place – an old stuffed dog named Cocoa, a mobile, candles, incense, a hammock, and a box of chocolates. Finally, I pulled my cardboard box out and the end of an extension cord. I plugged in my laptop and popped in a DVD.
Just in time, my breakfast arrived. It was a mushroom and cheese French omelet with one slice of toast slathered in butter. I pulled a coffee maker from my backpack and set it to perking a cup of Organic Peruvian. I settled back in the rolling chair and watched an episode of Gate Keepers.
When it actually was time to get to work, at around 1:10 p.m. I put in a CD of Andreas Vollenhimer. My first assignment was a pirate yarn. I also was expected to finish a children’s story about a tree, another about my friend Coyote, and polish up the second draft of a humor essay I had written in desperation a while back.
I started to do my research, pawing through the old files of notebook paper, drawings torn from sketchbooks, and broken glass from, I supposed, when the cover fell off the bare bulb of the ceiling fan whirring above my head. I didn’t suppose, I knew, actually. The rain outside came and left again.
It was two o’clock when he arrived. He appeared behind me, his bright blue eyes gnawing into the back of my head. His arms were folded over his beautiful soft white vest, which fit tightly over his slender chest. I didn’t need to turn around to know this detail, he was my creation. He always looked exactly as I envisioned him.
“So, are you killing me again?” he asked. His tone was smooth, and not at all as accusing as it should have been. I had killed him… a number of times. I threw him into the Impasse, the chasm between the Unknown and the dream country of Ambrosia. I had locked him away in a dungeon, and then confronted him with his highly successful younger brother. If anybody does, writers believe in reincarnation, we do it all the time. And when he was reincarnated in the form of Kabris, I killed him again, trapping him with the mold spores in an underground cave, and again when Match Firelight, Our Dark Prince, used the lessons he learned from his mentor against him.
Jael wasn’t his first incantation – there had been Jonathan and Ligion and Clutch and Ghelic before him – but he was by far my favorite.
“Nope, I’m working on a pirate story.” I said, typing away furiously as if to kill the keys. I really was working. Sure, I had farted away the first few hours decorating and watching movies, but I was in the zone now. I was typing hard and fast, narrowing in like a sharpshooter at the target. I was feeling the bull’s-eye. But I was working, I was creating. Jael was just buckshot.
“I have a story to tell you,” he said, and I could hear the drifting movement of his garments. I was suddenly very young and tired. I wanted to just lay my head down on the keyboard and let his words guide me into sleep. My wrists grew heavy, and my words started to slow to a garbled stupor.
“No,” I thought at him. “Get lost, I can’t deal with you now.” I don’t think I have ever told him to get lost. He is my friend, my companion, wherever I go he is. Some people say that the only one you can count on is yourself. You can count on all kinds of people if you make them up. Telling Jael to go away was like telling myself to leave me alone. Well, maybe at times, that’s useful. Like now, as I tried to set myself aside and come up with characters so unlike myself it was like I were trying to write in a foreign language I had never heard. How do I get inside a fat, bald, male bureaucrats living in the 1700s?